International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

International Research Staff Exchange Scheme

What is International Research Staff Exchange Scheme IRSES?
IRSES, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme aims to strengthen research partnerships between European research organizations and research organizations from countries with which the EC has an S&T  agreement (see below), through staff exchange and networking activities. Participants are non profit public or private research organisations which receive support from the European Commission to establish or reinforce long-term cooperation with countries outside Europe research organizations. An IRSES partnership shall be composed of at least two independent participants based in two different European country, and one or more organizations based in a non-European country.

What are the eligible countries?
Non European research organizations must be based in a country with which the EC has an S&T agreement or a country covered by the European
Neighbourhood Policy :
Algeria, Argentina, Armenia Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Egypt, Georgia, India, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian-administrated areas, New Zealand,  ep. of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine and USA.

How does IRSES work?
An IRSES participant is a research organization that will be member of a partnership, built on a joint research programme. Know how and competences will be increased through short exchanges of staff (mainly
researchers, but technicians and managers are also eligible). The duration of exchanges for each researcher/technician/manager will be of max. 12 months. Staff to be exchanged should be “seconded”, i.e. they remain
employees of their institution of origin, with full salary and the right to return.

What is funded in IRSES?
Staff to be exchanged are “seconded”, i.e. they remain employed by their institution of origin which receives from the European Commission a fixed contribution of € 1900 per exchanged staff member per month (“top-up”). For countries located a long distance from Europe, an additional allowance of €200/month is paid.

What is the duration of IRSES?
Financial support will be provided for a period of 24 to 48 months.

What are the four evaluation criteria?
Quality of Exchange programme: 25%
Transfer of Knowledge: 30%
Implementation: 15%
Impact: 30%

Success Story
Host Organisation: Alexandria University
Former Organisation:
Scientist: Pacint Moez
Duration: August 2010 - August 2012
Key Words: Breast Cancer, proteomics
Web Site:
Budget: 98.000 €