To come to Europe

To come in Europe

Take the opportunity to come in Europe thanks to the Marie Curie Actions.
The Marie Curie Actions are the financial instruments to support the mobility of researchers. 
These Actions are part of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (FP7) financed by the European Commission. The Marie Curie Actions belong to FP7 Specific PEOPLE programme and the both names are synonyms.
With the Marie Curie Actions, PEOPLE aims to increase the trans-national mobility of researchers. It encourages European researchers to carry out their projects in Europe, and attract to Europe researchers from the entire world.  Beside the trans-national mobility, the Marie Curie Actions also aim to foster the inter-sectorial mobility between academic and private sectors. These twofold mobility objectives contribute to make research career more attractive, which is crucial for Europe. 

The Marie Curie Actions follow a bottom-up approach, e.g. research fields are chosen freely by applicants. All domains of research are eligible. 
If you would like to carry out your research project or to do a staff exchange in Europe, 3 Actions are proposed: 
  • International Incoming Fellowship
  • Career Reintegration Grants
  • International Research Staff Exchange