To collaborate with Europe

To collaborate with Europe

Marie Curie Actions offers also to non-European country the possibility to work on a Marie Curie Projects.
In European Research, a group of institutions working on the same project is called a consortium. The basis of the consortium depending on the Marie Curie Actions has to be European but additional partners can be from all around the world.
Within the Marie Curie Actions, 2 different schemes allow non-European countries to work with European institutions:Initial Training Network (ITN) which supports essentially young researchers (PhD) and Industrial Academic Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) which support the collaboration between the public and the private sector. Please take note that for IAPP the minimal conditions of two partners in two European Member States or Associated Countries have to be met before the consortium can be enlarged with more partners, also with partners from around the world.
If you would like to collaborate with Europe, 3 Actions are proposed:

  • Initial Training Network
  • Industrial Academia Partnership and Pathways
  • International Research Staff Exchange
  • International Outgoing Fellowship