About the PeopleNetwork+ Project

About the PeopleNetwork+ Project

PeopleNetwork+ is the name of the project runs by the Marie Curie Actions National Contact Points. The project starts the 1st January 2012 and will finish by end of 2013. 

This Project focus mainly on the integration of the non-European country in the Marie Curie Actions by providing several actions such as training, information events, leaflet, e-platforms.

This project, financed by the European Commission, contains 15 partners and more than 75 associated partners all around the world. PeopleNetwork+ will focus on sharing good practices and promoting trans-national co-operation, by strengthening closer cooperation among PEOPLE National Contact Points.

PeopleNetwork+ will facilitate the improvement of the overall quality of NCP services across and outside Europe in the area of mobility and increase the transparency of EU fellowships and training opportunities to ensure equal access for all.